Friday, June 14, 2013

And Into the Summer We Go.....

So for the most part I had a wonderful spring garden.  I took the advice of some other Florida bloggers, and planted varieties of veggies that seemed to be working for them and it paid off.  My tomato crops were just astounding.  Now I did plant more mini Roma tomatoes than the bigger beefsteak or slicing tomatoes, and it seemed to work out well.  I'm still having problems though with the varieties of large tomatoes that I'm growing, as most of them had some fungus on them, along with the dreaded stink bugs this season.  My cucumbers were just pitiful.  I tried the Marketmore 76, and Poinsett and do not feel that I made the best choice there.  I would like to find a more disease resistant variety.  Also, I had problems with the pickle worms this year as well, almost every cucumber had a hole in it, and I had to fetch the little buggers out, rendering the veggies not suitable for sale.  Mind you I'm only selling enough to just pay my water bill, and I haven't even done that so far.  I'll keep plodding along though and see what I can do to increase production and profits.

Here are a few pictures of whats left in the garden.  Some Juliet tomatoes, and the Grey Pearl tomatoes, along with eggplant, sweet green peppers, jalepeno peppers, cayene peppers and the watermelon.  I've planted some okra, and black eyed peas for the summer crop, and am beginning to think about the fall garden.